'Types' of moms

OK this post is literally meant to be harmless fun because all us moms need a good laugh that is totally relatable. No mom is better than another, there are just some ‘types’ that you can recognize among moms and you may be one of them. Also this is a huge generalization and we can all have our moments of being one ‘mom type’ and another moment another. SO here it goes…

  • the hot mess mom: she looks cute, but always dishevelled when showing up for anything with baby in tow or not and she is always a bit late. Purse has diapers and crumbs in it, diaper bag is utter chaos, hard to find anything and her hair is always a disaster. Before babies she always was a slight bit disorganized, but becoming a mom has totally unorganized her life and she can’t seem to get her shit together, but she is trying her best.

  • the carefree mom: shows up with her baby with not enough layers or too many layers, forgetting food for your kid but will just buy a quick pizza slice because it’s all good. Breastfeeding her kid wherever and whenever because she doesn’t give a shit (which is awesome). This mom is bit hippy to say the least and co-sleeps while having baby with no set schedule because she doesn’t worry about those little details. She may be a little too laid back, but baby is happy so it’s all that matters.

  • the hipster mom: all her kids toys are wooden or montessori based. Her kid has custom homemade meals, only organic baby food, possibly only vegetarian or vegan. This kid can’t have any sugar even on social occasions. All their clothes are ethically sourced organic basic style. There is no boy or girl toys- all gender neutral with hair completely grown out and never gets a haircut. Has a $200 kinderboard and probably is an only child. As much as these are all great healthy things for your kid, it’s a lot of work to keep up with all the trends and also includes a hefty bill $$$ at the end of the month.

  • the hands on mom: this is the mom who is a bit of a kid herself and loves to get nitty gritty and play with her baby in the mud. She loves to imaginative play and really get on her hands and knees to play one on one with her kid. Having those moments and being fully immersed in her babes life is what she lives for and she doesn’t have much time for anything else.

  • the lawnmower mom: this the mom who literally drives over all the obstacles in their babies’s life. This more applies to kid life, but it starts at a young age. If they so much as make any noise, this mom jumps up to the rescue. Any crying will give them anxiety and put them in a flustered state. They will cave into their demands or whims if reasonable or not because a) they don’t know how to deal with the crying or b) they just don’t want to deal with it.

  • the day trip mom: this type of mom is a busy body and no baby will slow her down. Whether it’s grinding hard at work one day or picking another excursion to take her baby out for some insta worthy spots, nothing will stop her plans. Is she stellar at the hands-on playing with her child ..maybe not , but does she know how to keep her babe busy like her..absolutely! It’s energizing and exhausting at the same time to see how much this mom does with and without her kids.

  • the control freak mom: this is the mom that likes things a certain way and it’s challenging for her when her order gets put in disarray with the kids. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t adapt. She just translates this into her parenting style. Everything needs to be done a certain way: baby needs to feed, bathed, be changed, put to bed a particular way. She gets annoyed at her hubby or anyone else when it’s not done the way she likes it. But believe me this women knows how to get her shit down. And if the husband is late from work, he knows he will get in a world of shit when he gets home. And some of these women are quite cleaver by taking it to the next level by making their partner do all the bath, bedtime routines and clean when they get home! Since they know their place;)

  • the too nice mom: this mom is honestly the sweetest mom ever. She is the one with all the complements and freshly baked cookies and montessori teaching skills for her baby. She is that mom. She would never say anything bad about her child or hubby. And she will never admit when things are not going well or when it may be hard to keep up with all the demands of a mom/wife/worker while accomplishing it all so ‘perfectly’.

  • the boastful mom: their kids shit don’t stank ;) but actually their baby can do no wrong and are geniuses in the making. Every milestone they accomplish, they are constantly finding excuses to bring it up. ‘Omg my kid already learned to walk at 10 months’ …but now you have to deal with them getting into everything that much earlier SO is that a good thing..?!? It is sweet how proud they are of their child, but it can get a little annoying how much they talk and compare how advance their kid is to everyone else. Every child has their own pace and that’s cool.

  • the instagram mom: ok but maybe not necessarily ‘instagram’. But everything is picture perfect. They have professional photo shoots of their child on the regular. The staged photos with the number blocks every month or the custom month by month photo blanket- you know what I mean! Birthday parties have custom etsy decor that are not necessarily for the child, but to post cute photos on instagram. Any celebration is staged over the top and all of sudden these moms will have a million posts of their child’s event. Realistically most us moms are guilty of these moments from time to time, as is our right as a parent to be excited when we ‘killed it’. But to keep it up all the time is next level.

Karolina Burt